 apu water |
 brown eagle closeup |
 brown eagle farther |
 buzzard closeup |
 china - no smoking |
 collection of gers |
 family law lecture |
 family law lecture2 |
 ger food1 |
 ger food2 |
 ger group shot1 |
 ger host and wife |
 ger host giving vodka |
 ger host1 |
 ger host2 |
 ger outside1 |
 ger outside2 |
 ger outside3 |
 ger translator1 |
 ghengis khan painting |
 ghengis khan shrine |
 ghengis khan shrine2 |
 giant ghengis khan statue1 |
 giant ghengis khan statue2 |
 giant ghengis khan statue3 |
 giant ghengis khan statue4 |
 giant ghengis khan statue5 |
 gobi painting |
 gobi rainmaker1 |
 gor host toast |
 group shot - ger |
 group shot - khan statue on the gobi |
 group shot - khan statue on the gobi2 |
 judge and guest1 |
 judge mongolian building |
 judge spurlock and the camel |
 judging - thumbs up and thumbs down |
 justin and the camel |
 justin brown eagle |
Created using LightBox Video Web Gallery Creator